Which sounds should my child be able to say?

Notice this chart refers to AVERAGES. The average is what 50% of children are able to do at a certain age. A milestone is what 90% of children are able to do at a certain age.


  • Children are individuals! Just as children learn to walk at a range of ages, they have their own timelines for speech development (and it doesn't always follow the exact progression in this chart).

  • If your child is significantly behind the averages shown here (or you/they are concerned), talk to a speech therapist!
    Together, you can decide what/when next steps would be helpful.

  • Speaking is too complex to be simplified to "my child can't say this sound so they are behind!" Many factors are considered
    (e.g. total number of errors, how understandable they are to you and others, types of errors, error patterns, emotional/social/academic impact of errors, etc.). So don't panic! This chart is a starting point, ASK if you have questions!

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(to refer your student, ask questions, give feedback, etc.)