Language Info

Language: A system of communication. The words we use and how we use them to share and understand ideas, including:

  • word order (ex: "Walk I store the to" versus "I walk to the store"),

  • word meaning (ex: knowing which kind of "star" someone is talking about: an object in space, or a famous person?),

  • word parts (i.e. prefixes, suffixes, base words, root words, etc.), and

  • context (ex: speaking differently to friends vs strangers vs authority figures).

Averages & Milestones

Note: The ideas, resources, and information on this site are meant to support (not replace) professional recommendations from a speech language pathologist (aka SLP, or speech therapist). Consulting an SLP will help you personalize how you use the resources found here, decrease your frustration, and speed your success!