How Can I Support My Child's Language?

A speech therapist can help you pinpoint which aspect(s) of language would be helpful to highlight while doing one of the activity ideas below :)


What's in the Bag?

Simple Origami




Bath time


Read First: The ideas, resources, and information on this site are meant to support (not replace) professional recommendations from a speech language pathologist (aka SLP, or speech therapist). This site does not encompass all therapy techniques, approaches, or resources, and certainly doesn't consider the personalized intricacies or contexts involved in one's ability to communicate effectively. Rather, it is hoped this information will provide you with a basic starting point. Consulting an SLP will help you personalize how you use the resources found here, decrease your frustration, and speed your success!


To practice inferencing, take out all of the ingredients that you will be using to make dinner and see if your child can guess what is being made. Then, have your child describe each step as it is being completed. Give directions using temporal (before, after) and conditional (if, then) terms, and ask ‘What would you do if…’ questions to practice problem-solving skills (i.e. ‘What would you do if you saw smoke coming from the oven?’). Once the food has been prepared, students can retell the steps using sequencing words and describe the taste of the food using adjectives.

What’s in the Bag?

Find a small item from around the house (i.e. hair brush, whisk, battery, etc.) and put it inside a brown paper bag without letting your child see what it is. Then give clues about the item and see if you child can guess what it is (i.e. for whisk: it is found in the kitchen, it is used for mixing, it’s made of metal, etc.). Once your child guesses what’s inside the bag, you can switch roles – have your child find an item and give you clues!

origami (directions)

board/card games (weekly, update video)