Supporting My Child's Speech

(When they CAN say their target sounds but don't do so consistently)

First: Hooray! Your student being able to say their target sound(s) is a great step in their communication journey!

Second, consider:

  • It is easier to say a sound all by itself (e.g. "SSSSSSS") than to say it in conversation. So if your child can say their sound at the word level, don't be discouraged if they aren't getting it right all the time at the conversation level. They're building up to that skill! If they can't say a word correctly in conversation, see if they can say it as a single word or syllable.

  • Reflect on what motivates or challenges your child (e.g. attention span, high or low work ethic, structured or unstructured practice time, rewards or praise, type/amount of feedback, if they are motivated or discouraged by competition, etc.). Use that info to help guide the way you support your child!

Third, try one of the practice ideas here or come up with your own! Consistent practice, even 2-5 minutes a day, will yield rewards!