K & G

Week 2

We're Going on a Sound Hunt
(1) Wherever you are, hunt for the sounds "K" and "G" What can you SEE, DO, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE, FEEL, or DESCRIBE that contains these sounds?

Examples for in the car: buckle, car, go, gas, look, brake, clutch, blink, signal, traffic

Examples for in the kitchen: cookie, carrot, grape, cracker, gummy bears, garlic

(2) Find at least 5 and practice them 5 times each.
(3) Click HERE each day you practice to submit your homework (you can tell me the sound you focused on, or list the words you found).

To practice multiple days, you can change locations OR practice the same words.

Feel free to mix it up to add variety! (Ex: one day you could have a contest to see who can find the most words, and write down a list; another day you could play I spy with the things you found; another day you could have a contest to see how many times you can correctly say the words you found in 2 minutes; another day you could switch locations, etc.)

If your child cannot correctly produce the words you find even with your help, switch to modeling the words while your child watches and listens (have them count your productions to keep them engaged).

  • Back (dorsal) top of tongue touches back top of mouth (velum)

  • "K" is quiet (voice off), "G" is loud (voice on)

light pink = where tongue touches top of mouth for this sound

Homework Tip: While practicing these words, focus on the target sound ("K" and "G").
Don't worry about errors on other sounds your student can't produce yet.

For example, if they can't say "L," and they say "wog" instead of "log," that's okay because we're focusing on "G."