• There are 8 words below for you to practice. Ideas for practice are listed below, or make your own!

  • Click here each day you practice to submit your homework

If your child cannot produce these correctly even with your help, switch to modeling the words while your child watches your face and listens.


  • Tongue tip UP on alveolar ridge (bumps behind upper front teeth)

  • Sides of tongue touch upper teeth (like when you're saying "EEEEE")

  • Air through small groove in center of tongue tip

  • "S" is quiet (voice off)


  • Back (dorsal) top of tongue touches back top of mouth (velum)

/SK/ sky

/SK/ skip

/SK/ scare

/SK/ school

/SK/ skin

/SK/ skunk

/SK/ score

/SK/ ski

Week 1
Each day you practice, pick four words to correctly say 10 times each.

Week 2
Name each of the pictures, then make sentences for each other to finish. Ex: "There are so many airplanes flying in the (sky) ."

Week 3
Practice saying these words with 1-2 additional words (e.g. the sky, stormy sky, in the sky, sky blue).

Week 4
Pick 1-3 of these words you can say the best. Take turns making 2 sentences each that have that word. Ex: "Look at the sky. The sky is getting dark. The sky looks so pretty! How many airplanes do you see in the sky?"

Note: The ideas, resources, and information on this site are meant to support (not replace) professional recommendations from a speech language pathologist (aka SLP, or speech therapist). Consulting an SLP will help you personalize how you use the resources found here, decrease your frustration, and speed your success!